How I Learned to Balkanize America…
and Screw with The Rest of the World while I’m Was at it As Well.
A Timeline
This is the fruit of some old ideas gathered in my head and a crazy outline I laid out in one long - and I mean long - afternoon of leisure after months of stress at work. It is an alternate history timeline dealing with a world that will see multiple nations appearing across North America - at the expense of the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
For those of you who don't know and ended up here by chance: Alternate History is the exercise of looking at the past and asking "what if"? What if some major historical event had gone differently, and how could that have changed the world? If you are interested, I highly recommend you check out the forum. Where this Timeline (TL) will also be posted.
Anyway I won’t be working with a specific point of divergence (POD) here. Instead, I’ll start with a few unrelated changes in the early decades of the 1800s (for all intents and purposes the POD is somewhere in December 1799 or January 1800). These changes will certainly pile up fast and result a radically different North America (and world) than our time line (OTL).
Like my previous TL, this will be posted mostly in a textbook-like style, but I’ll do my best to add some pulpy-ness as I go (rule-of-cool will take preference where I see fit). There will also be a huge butterfly net on the people that are around. I also intend to reference other TLs (in this forum and pop-culture) later on with the appearance of certain characters. Anyways while I was at it I figure the end result will look something like this:
I’m including the map to get some attention, but things might (or rather will) change as we go along. Also I do hope this ends up being somewhat realistic. The first update will be published tomorrow, once I proof read it. I hope you enjoy the ride.
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